We strive to generate alpha through three core and complementary strategies
Flagship Fund
We take strong, concentrated positions in the most access-constrained and established fund managers in the venture ecosystem. These best-in-class managers have, for decades, proven their ability to partner with the top founders of our generation. Our Flagship Fund investors direct their returns – both principal and gains – to philanthropic causes they care about most.
Distributed to thousands of nonprofits to date
Average age of the firms in which we invest
Firms represented on the 2024 Midas List
Emerging Leaders Fund
Diverse managers drive contrarian venture returns. Through our Emerging Leaders Fund, we back early-stage managers who are uniquely positioned to generate alpha. This strategy is not only core to who we are but, we believe, critical to supporting the future of our ecosystem.
Inflection Fund
We invest alongside our premier fund managers to double down on early-stage breakout companies primarily in the enterprise, consumer and fintech sectors. We tap our diverse network to add differentiated value to these companies and their teams.
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